Royal Mail combined label

by Syed Haroon Shah

A new Royal Mail label type has been added for shipments imported into GB, specifically aimed at those with a shipment value of £135 or under. These shipments will now require a combined label image of a domestic tracked label and a CN22 customs form. This update streamlines the process for lower-value shipments, which previously utilised CN23 forms exclusively for higher-value items. The new combined label will be produced in a standard 6x4 size, featuring two labels side by side for clarity and efficiency.

As part of our CORE API, the descriptions of the following API endpoints have been updated for clarity and improved user experience:

  • Get Carrier
  • Get Carriers
  • Get Carrier Services
  • Get Carrier Service Package Types

The service descriptions for Royal Mail's HVD and ITO services have been updated to ensure alignment with the latest specifications. The service name for HVD has been changed from "INTL BUSINESS TRACKED EXPRESS NPC" to "INTL BUSINESS TRACKED PRIORITY," while the ITO service name has been updated from "DEImpNonUK TrkPCL Hvy (EMS)" to "DE Import Non-UK Tracked Parcel Cmp Heavy (DEImpNonUK TrkPCLCmp Hvy (EMS))." These updates reflect the current shipping services offered and enhance clarity for users.

The tracking integration for Royal Mail has been updated to enhance the accuracy of tracking information delivered through the Pro Shipping v2 tracking webhook. The Royal Mail tracking event "EVRTS" (Delivered back to sender) is now correctly mapped to the new INTERSOFT tracking event "UDTS" (Delivered to Sender) and assigned to the milestone category "Undeliverable." This change ensures that customers receive precise tracking updates, eliminating confusion regarding successful deliveries. The Royal Mail tracking translation file has been updated accordingly, allowing for seamless integration of this new mapping in the Pro Shipping v2 system.

You can now generate Royal Mail shipping labels in the following new formats using the Create shipment and Print Label API endpoints:

  • PDF4X3
  • PNG4X3



These label formats are applicable for all services except for International and Domestic Tracked High Volume services.

The following information has been added to the swagger documentation:

  • As part of our CORE API, the description of the Trackings endpoint has been updated to clarify that it is now a chargeable service, billing users automatically based on the number of shipments tracked. Previously, customers manually developed endpoints to register tracking numbers for shipments, which is no longer necessary as tracking data will automatically push to their webhook upon creating a tracking account.

Based on the Royal Mail’s latest COSS specifications, the Local Collect service enhancement has been removed for shipments created using the Royal Mail Tracked and Special Delivery Age Verification services.

The following information has been added to the swagger documentation:

A new Shipping Account ID parameter has been added to the Carriers > Get Carriers section as part of our CORE API. This endpoint allows customers to get the list of carriers associated with a particular shipping account.

The following information has been added to the swagger documentation:

  • A new Manifest Status endpoint has been added to the Manifest section as part of our CORE API. This endpoint allows customers to manifest their shipments in large volumes and efficiently monitor the stages of the manifest status in real-time.
  • A new Manifest Async endpoint has been added to the Manifest section as part of our CORE API. This endpoint enables the system to process the shipments requests asynchronously, ensuring consistent performance even during high-volume shipment processing.

Expired tracking events

by Syed Haroon Shah

Customers that have a webhook set up in Pro Shipping v2 can now receive an ‘Expired’ event via the tracking webhook for shipments that have not received a tracking after a set number of days. This setting is added to the Tracking Webhook configuration screen in Pro Shipping v2, allowing the customers to choose whether they want to receive the expired event or not.