Bearer Token Generation

Steps to generate the Bearer Token


This guide is using the Postman application to generate the Bearer token. You can use other platforms to generate the bearer token

  1. Launch the Postman application or login into your Postman account. Make sure you activate your account if you select the online version.

    1. If you don't have the Postman application, please download it here or register for an online Postman account.
  2. Create a new "HTTP request"

  1. From the left dropdown select ‘POST’ and type the following URL in the URL text box
  1. In the Body section, add the following key-value pairs "client_id" and "client_secret" - in the value add the credentials generated in the Pro Shipping API Credential UI
    Create a third Key-Value pair "grant_type" and in the value add "client_credentials"
  1. Save and click "Send"
  2. If the credentials match the ones that have been set in the “Create API Credentials” then a bearer token will be returned in the response.
  1. The “expires-in” value returned in the response is the amount of time the token is valid for in seconds: 3600 seconds = 30 minutes.
  2. You can use the generated Bearer token in the API Reference to try the API.