What calls are included within the Shipping Accounts functionality?

A shipping account is where you assign carrier credentials and link them to relevant shipping location(s).

This document provides information relating to creating and managing Shipping Accounts and their associated locations.

Before you can use the various Shipping Account API requests, you must first ensure that you have made a secure connection to the Shipping API. How to do this is covered in the Authentication Guide document.

This document is split into the following functionality for Shipping Accounts within the Shipping API.

Add a Shipping Account: Create a new Shipping Account & link it to an existing shipping location.

Get a Shipping Account: Provide a list of all shipping accounts that are set up on the system.

Update Shipping Account: Update a shipping Account details.

Link Location to Shipping Account: Associate one or more shipping locations to a shipping account.

Update Associated Location: Update a shipping location associated with a specific shipping account.

Unlink Associated Location: Unlink one or more shipping location from a specific carrier shipping account